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Why did you decide to work in the tech industry?

I’ve been interested in tech since I was little. It was fun and intriguing to me because it involved a great combination of creativity and problem solving and what seemed like endless possibilities. It was also something that I could combine with my other interests, such as mathematics and languages. When I found the university’s cross-disciplinary field of computational linguistics, I knew I had found an exciting area. It was the perfect bridge between machine and human communication that I am passionate about. This field utilizes my interest in tech, programming, and linguistics. So, I became a computational linguist. Upon discovering the field of technical architecture and technical communication in software, I started working as a technical communicator.

How can you describe your current role? What’s your responsibility area?

My role as a technical communicator requires analytical thinking, interest in tech, and problem-solving skills. It also requires the ability to comprehend and communicate complex matters in a structured and accessible way. Currently, I’m responsible for creating an internal information hub, acting as a single source of truth for different teams and roles. This will support other teams in their way of working. That will, in turn, facilitate the deliveries to the end users. My responsibilities include:

  • The creation of information architecture itself.
  • Providing best practices for process and product documentation.
  • Supporting teams in their technical writing.

I constantly learn new things and collaborate with colleagues in different roles, which is very exciting.

What career plans do you have for the future, and how do you see your further professional development?

I want to continue expanding my knowledge and keep up with technology. Creating and developing comprehensive strategies for information management and improving related processes on a macro level interests me.

What can you advise for women just entering the tech?

You can look forward to working in an exciting and rapidly evolving field. Tech can be combined with so many other disciplines and used to solve many problems, so find something that motivates and is meaningful to you.

Sometimes, due to the lack of female representation in tech, self-doubt can cast a shadow on one’s confidence. However, with increased experience and confidence in your skills, it will get easier not to let self-doubt get in the way. Find your strengths and build on them. There is no need to copy others’ approaches. This will also go hand in hand with finding your core values and sticking to them. Be yourself and have grounded confidence – your own version of confidence. 

Last but not least, build a support system. Find a community of women in the field that you can turn to. There is great strength and inspiration to find while networking with others that share your experience and challenges along the way. There are various conferences, mentorship programs, coding events, and other meetups to take part in that will lift you up. I’d also like to encourage you to guide and support others, later helping them navigate the road that you, at that point, feel more comfortable with.



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