Our notes from Industrial talks at the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation

Klas Persson. Photo credit: Csaba Molnár

Participants included, among others, the Swedish Federation of Consulting Engineers and Architects (Svenska Teknik & Designföretagen, STD in Swedish), represented by Anders Persson, Industry Policy Manager, and Klas Persson, CEO at Sigma Technology Development, as a representative from the member companies.

Mikael Damberg, Minister of Enterprise and Innovation, was invited for the discussion about increasing investment and business in Sweden. Trade and EU Minister Ann Linde also joined the conversation.

Klas Persson shared his opinion from the perspective of the competence-intensive service industry in Sweden:

I was invited to represent the competences-intensive consulting industry when it comes to how Sweden can create conditions for attracting more investments to Sweden. The Swedish heritage is largely based on our ability to invent and develop new products. Something based on a proud and successful engineering tradition. It is also the basis for attracting new investments to Sweden.

The issue I raised was that we [consulting tech companies] have big challenges to find the needed competence in the country. Whether it is good or not, it is easier to put work abroad in the consulting industry.

To make Sweden more attractive for investment, we need to have more labor immigration, free college education for future engineers from the countries outside the EU, and lower tax rates for well-educated personnel.

To attract future engineers within Sweden we should also showcase the interesting tasks one gets studying engineering and the importance of both industry and consulting companies for young students.

Read more: http://www.mynewsdesk.com/se/std/pressreleases/svenska-teknik-och-designfoeretagen-deltar-i-regeringens-industrisamtal-1991466.