- Sigma Technology
- About
- Quality
- Management System Policy

Building trust that makes us reliable and attractive as a partner
- Sigma Technology
- About
- Quality
- Management System Policy
Sigma Technology is targeting world-leading companies requiring top-quality deliveries and a supplier that can drive innovation with a strategy to follow our customers globally.
Our objective is to provide services within software development, product information, embedded systems design & development, IT infrastructure development & administration, and digital solutions. We will deliver best-in-class services, solutions and quality to our customers.
The overall operational strategy is to build trust that makes us reliable and attractive as a company. The goal is to achieve sustainable growth with satisfied customers and employees.
This will be achieved through:
- Superior supplier value
- Superior employment
Sigma Technology will also work for:
- Contributing to a sustainable environment by complying with current legislative and other demands, promoting more efficient use of resources, and pollution prevention within our assignments and the business group.
- Protecting the information assets of our customers and our organization and preventing interruptions in our IT by having an up-to-date IT infrastructure.
- Securing compliance with relevant external standards by continuous improvements of the management system.
Sigma Technology’s policy is long-term but must be re-evaluated by management once a year.