Why did you decide to work in the tech industry?
I was very curious to know the reason behind the things and their functionality right from my childhood! It made me choose my graduation in electrical engineering and ended up my career in tech.
How can you describe your current role? What’s your responsibility area?
Currently, I work as Test Engineer for a Swedish car manufacturer. I’m responsible for the end-to-end testing of systems used for used truck business and accountable for the integration between different systems.
What career plans do you have for the future, and how do you see your further professional development?
I am always inspired to achieve high in my profession. As a test engineer, I am trying to set up an automation test environment and make the test more robust. I’m trying to upgrade my skills with various automation test technologies available in the IT markets and put the best suited one at my work.
What can you advise for women just entering the tech?
Women need to be strong and independent. We are our own leaders. Success/failure depends on how we drive ourselves!