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Virtual Reality has long been considered the next frontier in gaming and entertainment, but only some anticipated its rapid rise and widespread adoption in the B2B sector. What began as a slow-burning interest among tech enthusiasts has now become a revolution in the B2B sector, changing how sales, training, and customer engagement are executed. This article will dive deeper into B2B Virtual Reality solutions and consider use cases and requirements for successful implementation. This time, we talked with Alexandre Martins, CTO at Sigma Technology Embedded Network, and asked some tricky questions.


The boom in B2B VR adoption can be traced back to the mid-2010s. With technological advancements making VR more accessible and affordable, businesses began to explore innovative applications, from virtual product demonstrations to immersive training modules. Not only did this allow for deeper, more engaging interactions between businesses, but it also presented a solution to the growing demand for remote yet dynamic collaboration tools, particularly in a world that was becoming increasingly globalized.

Early adopters of VR in the B2B sector were both ambitious and visionary. Companies like Boeing utilized VR for complex aircraft design reviews, allowing engineers and designers across different locations to converge in a virtual space, examining and tweaking designs in real-time. Real estate firms, too, weren’t far behind; they leveraged the technology to offer virtual property tours, thereby providing international clients with an almost tangible feel of prospective sites without the need for physical travel. Medical device manufacturers like Siemens began using VR to create digital twins of their factories, simulating and optimizing plant layouts.

As we delve deeper into the impact and evolution of VR in the B2B sector, it’s evident that this technology is not just a passing trend but a transformative force reshaping how businesses interact, collaborate, and grow.


Interview with Alexandre Martins, CTO at Sigma Technology Embedded Network

Alexandre Martins


Alex, tell us about yourself.

I currently serve as the CTO of Sigma Technology Embedded Network, where I’m fortunate to collaborate with talented individuals to bring innovative technological solutions to our clients. I have a background in both technology with an applied mathematics PhD and business with an MBA. My career has spanned various roles, from enhancing video functionalities at Spiideo and Axis Communications to learning invaluable interpersonal skills as a Flight Attendant with Air France. I enjoy bridging communication gaps, speaking languages and working with people of different backgrounds and cultures. I am a firm believer in continuous learning and embracing change.


Are there any potential drawbacks or challenges associated with VR?

While VR, especially B2B Virtual Reality solutions, offers many benefits ranging from immersive VR product demonstrations to streamlined product design, there are still potential drawbacks and challenges to consider. One of the primary challenges many businesses face is the VR adoption hurdles. The shift to VR requires a financial investment in VR hardware for businesses and software solutions and a change in organizational mindset. Employees need to be trained, and there can be initial resistance to adopting these new technologies.

Moreover, as with any digital platform, there are security considerations for B2B VR applications. Protecting sensitive corporate information, ensuring the integrity of virtual meetings, and safeguarding proprietary designs in a VR environment can be complex.

Lastly, integration challenges with existing systems can be a problem. Many enterprises already have established software ecosystems, and integrating new VR platforms can demand significant time and resources. Despite these challenges, VR’s overwhelming potential and benefits in the B2B landscape drive rapid innovations and solutions to these concerns.


What should be considered before the start when developing the VR solution for complex products (for example, industrial equipment)?

Developing a VR solution for complex products, such as industrial equipment, requires meticulous planning and a deep understanding of both the technology and the target domain. One of the foremost considerations is how to execute immersive VR product demonstrations that genuinely capture the intricacies and functionalities of the equipment. These demonstrations should be designed not only to impress but also to provide clear, actionable insights to potential B2B clients. Given the complex nature of industrial equipment, ensuring accuracy and clarity in these demonstrations is paramount.

The B2B Virtual Reality solution must be scalable and capable of seamless integration to avoid operational disruptions. Additionally, given the high-stakes nature of B2B engagements in sectors like industrial equipment, security considerations for B2B VR applications cannot be overlooked. Protecting proprietary designs, ensuring the confidentiality of data within the VR environment, and guarding against potential breaches are essential.


How can VR in B2B marketing address high implementation costs and prove their return on investment (ROI) to skeptical businesses?

To address the high implementation costs of VR solutions in B2B marketing, businesses can leverage scalable VR platforms to tailor the technology according to their budget and needs. It’s also important to partner with reliable and professional B2B VR companies that can provide case studies and insights into VR’s cost-saving opportunities and long-term benefits because low-quality outcomes may lead to constant bug fixing.


How can VR solutions in B2B marketing address data security and privacy concerns, and what measures should businesses take to protect sensitive information within virtual environments?

Professional VR developers have always highlighted the importance of incorporating stringent security measures, especially when dealing with proprietary and sensitive information. One of the primary steps I recommend is the integration of sophisticated encryption within these VR platforms. Not only does this safeguard the interactive data, but it also protects unique designs and strategic content presented virtually. Moreover, it’s vital for businesses to conduct periodic audits and penetration tests. These evaluations are crucial for detecting and mitigating potential vulnerabilities, ensuring our virtual platforms remain resilient against security threats.


How can B2B virtual reality solutions ensure that they provide a personalized and immersive experience without compromising scalability and cost-effectiveness?

VR solutions in B2B marketing can provide a personalized and immersive experience by leveraging data analytics and user preferences to tailor virtual environments to individual user needs. By collecting data on user interactions and feedback within the VR platform, solutions can adapt and present content that resonates more closely with the target audience, enhancing the sense of immersion.

To ensure scalability, VR platforms can be designed with modular architectures. This allows businesses to expand or modify the platform based on their evolving needs without overhauling it. Modular designs can integrate new features or experiences as required, ensuring a sustained, personalized approach as the user base or business requirements grow. Cost-effectiveness can be maintained by adopting a phased approach to VR implementation.

Initially, businesses can focus on core features that offer the most value and then gradually introduce advanced personalization features based on ROI assessments. Additionally, utilizing cloud-based VR for B2B can offer both scalability and cost savings, reducing the need for heavy upfront infrastructure investments while allowing businesses to scale resources based on demand. Combining these strategies ensures a balance between personalization, scalability, and cost-effectiveness in B2B VR marketing solutions.

Ultimately, our goal is to ensure that every user, regardless of their device, gets an experience that's both impactful and seamless while also pushing the boundaries of what's possible with VR.

As a VR developer, how do you navigate the challenge of creating VR solutions for B2B companies that are both visually stunning and technologically advanced while also ensuring compatibility with a wide range of hardware and devices used by potential clients?

For many VR developers, striking a balance between aesthetics, technological excellence, and broad compatibility is both an art and a science. Firstly, when developing visual environments, it’s essential to think about the performance constraints of various devices. Utilizing techniques such as adaptive graphics rendering, we can ensure that our VR experiences automatically adjust their visual fidelity based on the capabilities of the hardware they’re being run on.

Moreover, we prioritize solutions that have wide industry support and have been proven to be robust and scalable, while it’s tempting always to use the latest tools. This often means being selective about our development frameworks and libraries, ensuring they’re compatible with a diverse range of devices.

Compatibility is another significant concern. We adopt a modular development approach. Designing VR solutions with modular architectures makes it easier to tweak or replace components without affecting the entirety of the application. This ensures our VR solutions can be easily adapted or optimized for different hardware platforms.

And last but not least: regular feedback loops with potential clients, combined with rigorous testing on various devices, ensure our solutions remain both cutting-edge and broadly accessible.


VR Solutions for B2B sector: tricky question!

If VR were a delicious pizza, what technological toppings would you choose to create the perfect blend of immersion, realism, and user-friendliness? In other words, what are the secret ingredients to make the VR taste extraordinary?


Alright, let’s break it down with a heavier focus on the tech side!

  1. Crust – Core Hardware:

The base that supports all the other elements.

– High Refresh Rate Displays: At least 120Hz to ensure smooth motion.

– OLED or MicroLED Panels: Offering deep blacks and vibrant colors.

– Adjustable IPD (Interpupillary Distance): To cater to different eye distances.


  1. Sauce – Graphics and Processing:

The engine driving the visual experience.

– GPU: Enables realistic lighting, shadows, and reflections.

– Dedicated VR Processors: Like Qualcomm’s Snapdragon XR or similar, optimized for VR workloads.

– AI-driven Upscaling: To render lower-res content at higher resolutions.


  1. Cheese – Rendering Technologies:

Creating the illusion of reality.

– Foveated Rendering: Reducing GPU load by focusing detail where the eyes are looking, often combined with eye-tracking.

– Dynamic Tessellation: Adjusting polygon detail on-the-fly for optimal performance and visuals.


  1. Toppings – Input and Feedback Systems:

Enhancing user interaction.

– Inside-out Tracking: Using cameras on the headset to track controllers and the environment.

– Hand/Finger Tracking: Like what Oculus Quest offers, for controller-free interactions.

– Advanced Haptic Feedback Systems: From companies like Tactical Haptics, offering rich tactile sensations.

– 6DoF (Six Degrees of Freedom): Allowing users to move in any direction in the virtual space.


  1. Extra Seasonings – Connectivity:

Ensuring seamless interaction and content delivery.

– 5G or WiFi 6/7: For fast wireless data transfer and low latency.

– VirtualLink or Equivalent: A unified cable standard for high-speed VR data transfer.


  1. Baked to Perfection – Storage and OS:

Fast access to content and smooth system operation.

– NVMe SSDs: For lightning-fast read/write speeds, crucial for large VR content.

– Optimized VR Operating Systems: Like Oculus’ system on Quest or SteamVR, designed specifically for VR interactions.



Enterprise VR applications in reality

Each use case demonstrates the transformative potential of VR in the B2B domain, offering businesses innovative ways to operate, collaborate, and engage with their stakeholders. 

Virtual Research and Development Labs: B2B companies can utilize VR to simulate R&D environments, allowing teams to experiment with new products, materials, or designs in a risk-free virtual space. 

Virtual On-site Audits: VR can facilitate virtual site inspections for sectors like manufacturing or infrastructure, reducing the need for physical visits and enabling stakeholders from various locations to conduct audits simultaneously.

VR-based Training and Simulations for Employees

  • Skill Development: Employees can be trained in new technologies, tools, or processes via immersive VR simulations. This is especially crucial for industries where real-world training, such as healthcare or aviation, can be risky or costly.
  • Safety Drills: Companies can use VR to conduct safety drills, ensuring employees are well-prepared for emergencies without the logistics and disruptions of real-world drills.

Virtual Trade Shows and Conferences

  • Global Reach: Companies can host or attend trade shows in virtual spaces, removing geographical barriers and allowing a wider audience to participate.
  • Interactive Booths: Exhibitors can showcase products in 3D, allowing attendees to interact with products in ways not possible in traditional trade shows.

Remote Collaboration and Virtual Meetings

  • Virtual Workspaces: Teams spread across different locations can collaborate in a shared virtual environment, brainstorming, discussing, and visualizing projects in real-time.
  • 3D Product Reviews: Design and development teams can review and iterate on 3D product models, ensuring alignment and faster decision-making.

Customizable and Interactive Product Configurations

  • Personalized Demonstrations: B2B customers can interact with a virtual version of a product, customizing features or components to suit their needs, ensuring they get a clear understanding of the end product.
  • Real-time Feedback Loop: As customers interact with and modify products, manufacturers or sellers can receive real-time feedback, helping them understand market needs better and tailor their offerings accordingly.


Have questions? Contact us!


Alexandre Martins

CTO at Sigma Technology Embedded Network. Alexandre brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience in developing innovative solutions that harness the power of IoT and enable seamless connectivity.

Contact: alexandre.martins@sigmatechnology.com