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Landing the first job after graduation can be tough, especially in the high-technology sector. Sigma Technology has a long history of collaborating with various educational institutions and vocational schools. This includes raising awareness about tech careers and offering students internships and thesis opportunities. A notable example of such cooperation is the partnership with Jönköping University for the Industrial Placement Course (Swedish: Näringslivsförlagd kurs, NFK). This internship program provides students a tangible connection between theoretical knowledge and practical experience during their education.

Sigma Technology Embedded Solutions offered the students a unique opportunity to apply their skills in a real-world project alongside experienced colleagues. 

Sigma Technology Embedded Solutions

The Industrial Placement Course (NFK) is invaluable as it bridges the gap between academic theory and practical application, providing students with real-world experience during their education. At Sigma Technology Embedded Solutions, we are thrilled to have these talented students on board. Their fresh perspectives and enthusiasm not only contribute to our projects but also invigorate our team. We believe in nurturing young talent and are committed to offering them a collaborative environment where they can grow and excel. Mattias Gudasic, CTO at Sigma Technology Embedded Solutions

In this interview, we delve into the expectations and experiences of these aspiring tech talents as they embark on this journey.

Meet Amanda

  • How would you describe your overall experience during the program?

    It has been a great experience. Being part of such a new technology and project was really cool. I have learned a lot during my time here, and even though it was challenging at times, it was great overall due to the good work environment and supervisor support.

  • Could you provide insights into the project you were involved in?

    The project we have been working on is part of a larger project called Steer-by-Wire. We have created a desktop application that reads a recording from the Vehicle Display System (VDS) and plays it back to the user, displaying data in graphs and lists. This application will be used to see how the prototype car acts during test drives and all the important data.

  • What motivated you to choose NFK at Sigma Technology?

    At first, I heard about Sigma Technology when they visited our school at Karriärum, and when it was time to look for NFK, I saw their name again. After reading a bit about the company, I got really interested and thought it could be a good match for my NFK. When they responded and told me about the project we would be working on, I knew that this was where I wanted to do my NFK.

Meet Emilia

  • How would you summarize your experience during the program?

    Working towards a new and upcoming technology has been a fun and exciting experience. It has been challenging at times, but I’ve learned a lot while working on the project. It has also been fun to see how it works in a company like Sigma, and to experience the feeling of working on a project related to my education.

  • Can you elaborate on the project you were involved in?

    We have been working on developing a GUI that visualizes data collected from a Steer-by-Wire system. This includes integrating frontend components and utilizing Python and PySide with Qt in Visual Studio Code alongside backend functionalities. The end result is a desktop application where you can view linegraphs with live data from the vehicle, two camera views, Qt Quick Control components such as buttons, a slider, and lists.

  • What led you to choose NFK at Sigma Technology?

    I hadn’t heard much of Sigma before, but during my research for NFK opportunities, Sigma stood out as an interesting option. I thought Sigma seemed like an esteemed company with many impressive feats in advanced embedded software development. Also, knowing that other students had positive experiences with their NFKs here, I felt compelled to apply. When offered the placement, I was very excited and didn’t hesitate to say yes to the opportunity. 

Sigma Technology Embedded Solutions 2

Meet Alexander and Simon

  • Tell about your experience

    We had a great experience at Sigma Technology. It’s an exciting company, and we worked on a fun and challenging project, so we learned a lot. The great work environment and helpful colleagues made the experience very enjoyable.

  • Could you provide details on the project you participated in?

    The project we’ve been working on is creating a GUI that displays data provided by the Steer by Wire project, such as the vehicle’s steering wheel angle. The GUI uses a recorded test drive and displays the data from the vehicle in real-time.

  • What prompted you to select NFK at Sigma Technology?

    I was unfamiliar with Sigma before they visited our university. When I spoke to them and they showed us what projects they were working on, I was immediately interested, and luckily, I got the opportunity to do my internship here.

Meet Jonatan

  • How would you describe your overall experience during the program?

    During my time at Sigma, I’ve experienced a stimulating office environment where each day brings meetings with colleagues and new challenges. Managers and coworkers have helped me advance in the projects and also in my personal development. There have been moments where I’ve had to embrace new skills and instances where my existing education has proven valuable. 

  • Could you provide insights into the projects you were involved in?

    The primary focus of our recent weeks has been a project centered around the automotive industry. Our goal has been to conceptualize solutions for transforming or removing current methods of managing cables for the steering wheel. Internal projects have also focused on enhancing a test rig and establishing guidelines for 3D printer usage, among other initiatives. 

  • What motivated you to choose NFK at Sigma Technology?

    When the opportunity arose for me to intern at Sigma, the decision was quite straightforward. Firstly, Sigma is a reputable company. Secondly, the projects I heard about during the initial discussions took my interest, which is the one I’ve had the chance to work on during these past eight weeks.

Meet Filip

  • How would you summarize your experience during the program?

    I have had a very positive experience with Sigma, all employees here at the office have been very pleasant and helpful. It has also been an enjoyable and highly educational experience to put my skills to the test in the workplace.

  • Can you elaborate on the projects you were involved in?

    During my time at Sigma, I have worked on two projects, one in-house and one for a client. The in-house project involved designing and creating a blueprint for a rig they would build here at the office. The client project focused on developing a wiring solution for steer-by-wire to replace the current clock spring solution. 

  • What led you to choose NFK at Sigma Technology?

    When I got the opportunity to do my internship at Sigma Technology, there was no question about it. Sigma is a successful company that is considered to be among the best employers in Sweden, so it was very exciting to get the chance to intern here. 

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