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Why you should consider using the gamification tool-box

Meet Jonas Falkenström, backend and game developer at Sigma Technology Systems. Today we talked with Jonas about trends and potential within the gaming industry. Could you tell us about who Jonas is and what you do? So, I’m primarily a backend developer at Sigma Technology. I have worked with gaming at several different companies, among […]

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Women in technology Anna Stenberg

Why did you decide to work in the tech industry? It was actually because of my dad, who used to work as an IT project manager. I had several opportunities to join him at work, and he always explained his work to me. I got fascinated by complex projects and amazed at what you could […]

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Women in technology Ildiko Gerecs

Why did you decide to work in the tech industry?  I have a university degree from the Faculty of Humanities, and I’ve always wanted to do something creative. I wished for a job where I could use foreign languages and create something tangible. So I ended up being a technical writer. How can you describe […]