Anna Hanström joined Sigma Technology Group to take the next step in software development. “A large consulting company like Sigma Technology Group provided me with contacts and the opportunity to try new things. There is a wonderful community here that contributes to everyone’s well-being. Some workplaces feel like a bus stop in people’s careers, where everyone is there, but wants to move on. Here people want to stay and grow,” says Anna.
Anna works with front-end and back-end, both what the users see on a website and what happens behind the scenes. This provides a variation in the job that she enjoys. “I develop different user interfaces and adjust things, while also working with the systems behind them. I like having dual colleagues, both at Sigma Technology Group’s office and out with the client. The width of competencies at Sigma Technology Group is impressive. Here you can put together a team that creates a product from start to finish, and there are competencies all along the chain that can handle it.”
John Blom started working at Sigma Technology Group 1 year ago. He works with advanced and broad troubleshooting of both hardware and software, and every day is different. “Sometimes I find things in the system that I have never seen before, it can be both cool and weird things created ten years ago. Then my challenge is to unravel the threads. It’s like picking up a new phone, you know you need to go into the setting menu, but you don’t know what it will look like.”
His colleagues and the growth potential make John enjoy his workplace. “I like the feeling that Sigma Technology Group cares about us. If anyone unhappy with an assignment or wants to change direction, they can always discuss it with their manager. I have never experienced such strong support at another workplace before. I have also not been with a company that has such understanding for new employees. I have called my manager many times to ask questions that may be obvious to others,” John explains.