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Why did you decide to work in the tech industry?

I have always liked math and physics and have been interested in how things work. I would join my father when he was working under the hood of his car and ask questions about everything he did, so it was very natural for me to pursue a master’s degree in mechanical engineering. During my studies, I focused on product development, which included a lot of project management, as I found it very interesting to get a complete overview of a product. My first job after graduating was mechanical design engineer, and it was a lot of fun to design things in CAD and then see them actually being used in a product. 

How can you describe your current role? What’s your responsibility area?

I am currently working as a Configuration Manager. The role can often be seen as a supporting tool to the project manager, with the responsibility to ensure that, e.g., changes to the product are following the correct procedure and thoroughly documented and that the configuration of the product is correctly documented, among other things. The role gives you insight into all areas of the product, with the possibility to learn as much as you would like about the technical aspects as you are in close contact with the engineers as well as the project managers.  

What career plans do you have for the future, and how do you see your further professional development?

I always want to challenge myself, and I don’t like it when I get too comfortable. I have realized that I am more interested in the bigger picture than the technical specifics, so I plan to take a course in project management in order to prepare for new types of assignments and challenges in the future. 

What can you advise for women just entering the tech?

You don’t need to know everything, and you don’t need to solve everything by yourself: ask for help! More often than not people are happy to share their knowledge and experience with you. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it. Don’t be shy: aim high and tell your manager about your goals and ambitions, and they will help you achieve them.



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