Revisit our seminars

The seminar on Technical Information 2.0 that was held in three cities during the spring of 2010 was very popular. Many customers and partners attended and joined in the discussion. Since we know that some of those who were invited could not make it, and that some of those who did attend may want to relive the seminar, we now offer the entire seminar viewable whenever you have the time! Streaming videos are made available from our homepage.

In order to view the videos, you will have to register and get a username and password. Those invited to the seminar will get one in the near future. If you cannot wait or if you for some reason could not attend the seminar, you are welcome to send an e-mail to seminarium@sigmatechnology.com and you will get the details you need to access the videos. We appreciate any feedback, so please send any thoughts or reactions on the videos to the same e-mail.

The seminar was recorded in Stockholm and is entirely in Swedish.