Sigma Awards the Winner of the Armada Competition in Stockholm

Omar Ali wins headphones from Sigma

Facts about Omar

  • 3rd year vehicle engineering KTH
  • Chief Communications Officer at THS
  • Works extra at Apple Store and loves Music, Radiohead amongst others (so Omar can really appreciate the headphones he won)
  • Works out at SATS

What do you think about the job fair and companies attending?

I think Armada is a great way for students to learn more about the offers on the labor market and set a right direction for their future career.

I also enjoyed the Sigma competition, where we had to solve an engineering puzzle – it worked as a great ice breaker for students and Sigma representatives to start a relaxed and friendly dialogue. We saw that the company was interested in students and their thoughts, and it was very important. Engaging employers like Sigma motivate us, KTH students, to complete studies and inspire us to pursue career opportunities, which might come after.