Meet us at the SPIE conference in Orlando: Anikó Simon talks about documentation-related user behaviour

The SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing conference will be held 3-6 April in Orlando, Florida, where Anikó Simon, technical communication expert at Sigma Technology, will be giving a presentation about delivering the specifications of smart wearable devices.
Anikó Simon, technical writer at Sigma Technology Hungary, will be representing Sigma Technology at the SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing conference where participants will be able to dive deeper into sensor research and related technologies to enhance capabilities for novel applications. Anikó has sixteen published scientific papers, at least eight more to be published in the next three months, and was awarded Paper of the Year 2020 by Taylor & Francis for a top-ranking (Q1) journal paper. This will be her second time at the conference.
The title of Anikó’s presentation is “Who watches the watches: on the delivery of the specifications of smart wearable devices and recommendations on the related best practices.” Anikó has shared the abstract of the paper with us to unveil the goal and main takeaways of her research.
“Smart wearable devices have taken the market by storm. They are now their own device category on the consumer market, their popularity is unquestioned due to their ever-increasing set of functionalities and the vigorous competition between some of the biggest companies, and they are seamlessly integrated into our everyday lives, as well as into professional contexts. New models appear on the market regularly, particularly since the sensory system of such devices is continuously developing, adding more ways of data acquisition and processing, along with projections and analyses. However, while the devices of certain subcategories are nearly identical with regard to their core functionalities, there may be significant differences in their specifications. Furthermore, the delivery of specifications towards the users is highly manufacturer-dependent and lacks coherent standardization. This is particularly relevant to professional contexts, such as defense, where individuals competently familiarizing themselves with their personal devices is essential. In this paper, we investigate the delivery of the specifications of state-of-the-art smart wearable devices. We separately study the commonalities and best practices by device subcategories and usage contexts. We also highlight certain deviations in the current market and provide recommendations for the further evolution of such practices. The paper introduces the results of a study on documentation-related user behavior as well, in order to support future research.”