Sigma Sponsors 5th Gran Prize Award Ceremony in Budapest


The Gran Prize Award is an annual prize awarded for outstandingly innovative solutions, papers, and projects in response to the most pressing issues in the field of environmental protection, sustainable development, design, medicine, health preservation, and development, as well as education. The Award was established in 2012 by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in memory of Carl von Linné, Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, one of the most acclaimed scientists in Europe, also considered one of the fathers of modern ecology.

This year’s winning project was a circulation cancer cell capture device developed by Dr. András Guttman and his team. The device is an innovative chip that identifies and kills cancer cells.

Sigma Technology, as a long-term sponsor of the Award Gala, was glad to participate in celebrating this outstanding team. In his acceptance speech, Dr. András Guttman presented their achievements in details and showed a strong commitment to providing a solution to prevent metastatic cancer.

György Nagy, Country Manager at Sigma Technology Hungary and Vice President of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, says:

Gran Prize is a wonderful opportunity to support individuals and teams concerned with sustainable future for humanity, and we are happy to support this initiative, both as Chamber members, and also as sponsors of the Award Gala Ceremony. It is very much in line with our corporate social responsibility activities, and we invest a lot in ecological, educational, and other projects aimed at building better tomorrow. We believe that sustainable future is built on education and innovation.”

Read more about Sigma Technology CSR activities at https://sigmatechnology.com/about/sustainability/