Sigma Technology Nominated for Big IT Competence Award

IT Kompetenspriset Sigma Technology

Sigma Technology is one of ten nominees for the Big IT Competence award that distinguishes companies for their contribution to education and competence development.

Each year, the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology at Linnaeus University gives the Big IT Competence award (Stora IT-kompetenspriset) to Swedish employers who support IT competence development. The award holders will be announced on March 26th during the Kompetenssamverkan IT meeting in Växjö. Sigma Technology is one of  ten companies nominated for the award.

To become a finalist for the Big IT Competence award a company needs to be nominated by educational providers at the upper secondary, higher vocational or university level who have courses or programs within IT.

“The nominated companies proved that they have a strategic approach to competence development of their staff and have continuous cooperation with education providers in Kalmar and Kronoberg regions. This collaboration includes counseling, internships, thesis projects, guest lectures, and study visits. If Sweden is to become the digital nation, the cooperation between academia and business is vital, and that is what the Big IT Competence award aims to acknowledge. I wish all the companies good luck during the interview process,” says Diana Unander, Research and Project Coordinator, Linnaeus University.

Sigma Technology contributes to a sustainable future by supporting innovation and development through education. That’s why the company has cooperation with over 20 education establishments in Sweden, Hungary, and China. The partnerships stretch from guest lectures to dedicated courses in the fields of technical communication, software testing, IoT, soft skills and other areas.

“We are honored to be nominated for the Big IT Competence award and are looking forward to the results announcement. We have had a long history of cooperation with Linnaeus University through different competence development programs, TEMPUS project, and internships. Many Linnaeus graduates have been our interns and some of them are now part of the team,” adds Niklas Malmros, CEO at Sigma Technology Solutions.

For more information, please contact Niklas Malmros, Niklas.Malmros@sigmatechnology.com.