Sigma Technology partners with Krogsveen to propel the digitalization of the real estate brokerage services

Sigma Technology supports Krogsveen, a Norwegian real estate agent and a double winner of the prestigious Norwegian Customer Barometer award, with digital transformation. A unique combination of in-house expertise and out-house cross-industry knowledge uncovered new edges of cooperation and allowed building a reliable and agile IT ecosystem.
It is considered that the real estate industry has started a late digital transformation as compared to banking, retail, or healthcare. Nevertheless, after the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing, the real estate industry was forced to reshape the time-honored conventions as the users’ behavior had changed. According to the National Association of Realtors, In 2020, 97% of homebuyers used the internet in their home search and were most likely to have found the home they ultimately purchased online (51%). The new reality has pushed the daring representatives of the real estate industry to capitalize on innovation strategy and find new opportunities within technologies.
Krogsveen became one of the darers and continued to invest heavily in their digital transformation to ensure a sustainable future of the business. By keeping IT skills in-house and attracting an outsourced consultant with cross-industry competence, it became possible to build a reliable and secure platform for buyers, agents, sellers, and renters. Sigma Technology Norway had partnered up with Krogsveen and supported the platform with digitalization and back-end development services.
Christopher Carey, President at Sigma Technology Norway, comments: “Krogsveen is a great role model within the real estate industry with their strong IT strategy and vision on the development process. Combining an in-house team with extensive knowledge of the product from the inside out with our broad consultants’ experience in digital transformations from different sectors allowed us to achieve tangible results. Such fusion of teams from both sides definitely pays off and proves yet another time how it is important to think wider and always seek an opportunity to differentiate.”
For more information, contact
Nataly Lamkén, Chief Communication Officer at Sigma Technology Group,
Christopher Carey, President at Sigma Technology Norway,
About Sigma Technology
Sigma Technology Group, part of the Sigma Group, is a privately-owned global technology consulting company with operations in Sweden, Hungary, China, Germany Norway, and Ukraine and global delivery to Europe, the USA, and China. Sigma Technology Group offers cutting-edge expertise in software development, product information, embedded systems design & development, IT infrastructure development & administration, and digital solutions with expert consultants, offshore delivery, and development teams.
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