Swedish leading IT consulting company establishes in Norway

One of Sweden’s leading IT consulting companies, Sigma Technology Group, starts a new company in Oslo – Sigma Technology Norway AS. Having a total staff of over 2,000 people, Sigma Technology Group plans to grow significantly in the heart of Norway and support clients in renewable energy, telecom, and manufacturing industries on their digitalization and electrification journeys.
Sigma Technology Norway aims to create around 150 new jobs in three years.
2020 was a challenging year for global industry and society, with shutdowns and lockdowns due to the COVID-19 outbreak. However, Sigma Technology Group chose to follow its strategy for the year and in late autumn 2020 announced a major investment in seven new companies in Sweden and Norway starting in Q4 2020 and Q1 2021. The newly established Sigma Technology Norway is now actively looking for talented engineers and software developers who share the company’s vision of creating a better tomorrow.
“Norway is transforming into a digital nation and is among the leaders in electrification and transition to renewable energy. We see huge potential and need for digitalization services in the country’s private and public sectors. Sigma Technology Group has grown significantly in the digitalization area and has quadrupled its turnover in the last seven years, surpassing 1 billion NOK in 2019. The success of our organizational model lies in using the energy and drive from entrepreneurial companies that together form Sigma Technology Group,” says Carl Vikingsson, CEO at Sigma Technology Group.
Christopher Carey, appointed as Sigma Technology Norway’s CEO, has over 20 years of experience in the consulting field, of which eight years as CEO for Poolia and Uniflex’s operations in Norway, with approx. 200 employees.
Dan Børge Høvik is the company’s Vice President and represents engineering competence with over 18 years of experience in the Oil and Gas business.
“Having Sigma’s success in Sweden as a support, we aim to create a leading digitalization and engineering consultancy in Norway. The Norwegian private sector envisions the future in renewables. There has been an impressive number of start-ups and companies employing new technologies to streamline Norway’s shift to renewables. We will provide senior engineers and project managers who can help our customers in the energy sector. Combined with a strong offer in IT and digitalization, we believe in solid growth in 2021,” says Christopher Carey, CEO at Sigma Technology Norway.
“ICT Norway welcomes Sigma Technology to Norway and our industry,” says Fredrik Syversen, director of strategy and business development at ICT Norway. He continues: “Sigma is a well-known brand both in the Nordic region and in Norway, and their ambition to invest in Norway with up to 150 new employees is both a recognition of Norway as a digital pioneer and a belief in Norwegian business development that we at ICT Norway share.”
For more information, please, contact:
Christopher Carey, CEO, Sigma Technology Norway,
christopher.carey@sigmatechnology.com, +47 469 88 148.
Nataly Lamkén, Chief Communications Officer, Sigma Technology Group, nataly.lamken@sigmatechnology.com, +46 725 194 048.