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Sigma Technology renews framework agreement with Ascom Sverige AB for 2008

Sigma has received renewed trust to serve as framework supplier also during 2008 to Ascom Sverige AB in Göteborg/ Herrljunga. The framework agreement covers consulting services within software, system development, testing and technical documentation and is expected to be worth about SEK 6-7 M.

Sigma Technology CO2 Compensates!

Sigma Technology CO2 Compensates!

As a part of our environmental commitment Sigma Technology has compensated for all CO2 emissions during 2008. In order to compensate for this we have purchased emission certificates from Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (Svenska naturskyddsföreningen). The organization is a non-profit organization that works to spread knowledge, map environmental threats, create solutions, and influence politicians and public authorities, at both national and international levels.

Sigma Technology supports Star For Life

Sigma Technology supports Star For Life

Sigma is a School Partner which means that we at Sigma follow, work with and support our school, Zandlazethu High School, from the beginning to the end of the program. Star For Life gives us a unique opportunity to provide hope-for-the-future for children in South Africa and, as a company, to accept its social responsibility.

Sigma Technology helps Kockums reduce cost

Sigma Technology helps Kockums reduce cost

In the latest issue of the Oracle customer magazine Oraclet (for Swedish customers), there is an article on the “TIPS” system that Sigma Technology has developed for Kockums, and how it helps improve the documentation process and reduce costs. According to the article, the system significantly lowers production and publication time for technical documentation and saves about one million SEK per year on maintenance and support. TIPS stands for "Technical Information Production System". Read more (in Swedish) at:

New assignment: Documentation for National Security & Public Safety products

New assignment: Documentation for National Security & Public Safety products

Information engineers from Sigma Technology will create technical documentation for one of a world leading telecom company’s NSPS products. The assignment involves creating system documentation and a compound documentation library for a product within the NSPS product portfolio. National Security and Public Safety products improve operational capabilities for governments, emergency services and other agencies responsible for public safety and protecting critical infrastructure.

Multisite sourcing helps reduce cost and improve quality

Multisite sourcing helps reduce cost and improve quality

Sigma Technology offers customers a way to cut costs and improve quality at the same time. We call it “multisite sourcing”. Cost is reduced by using our global production capacity to produce where resources with the right competence are available at a lower cost. Quality is improved since a multisite delivery allows us to use our own streamlined ways of working, to use different competence areas for different work tasks, and to utilize our international pool of resources with specialized centers of excellence.