
Meet the Sigma Technology Student Ambassador

For Sigma Technology, it is very important to cooperate with university students. In their professional life, they may become employees or customers. Because of this, Sigma Technology has established a Student Ambassador role, with the mission to act as a liaison between the company and the students. Meet Pernilla Nordberg, currently a student of electrical engineering at Chalmers University of Technology and the Sigma Technology student ambassador. Pernilla, tell us what you will be doing in your role!

Measuring Quality in Technical Information

Measuring Quality in Technical Information

How do you measure and test quality in technical information? Researchers A. Wingkvist, M. Ericsson, R. Lincke, and W. Löwe at the Linnaeus University present their answers in a number of research papers, recommended reading for anyone interested in the subject of technical documentation. Sigma Technology cooperaties with the Linnaeus University for this research.

Meet Sigma Technology: Binoy Milton Dsouza, information engineer

Meet Sigma Technology: Binoy Milton Dsouza, information engineer

We meet Binoy Milton Dsouza, information engineer at Sigma Technology, to ask him about his views on technical information. What is interesting about working with technical communication?

Outsourcing for SME’s

Outsourcing for SME’s

Many companies choose to seize the benefits of using competent and cost efficient resources abroad – what is usually referred to as outsourcing. The practice is commonplace among large companies, but now, Sigma Technology can offer managed outsourcing that allows small and medium size enterprises (SME’s) to reap the benefits of outsourcing too.