Data analytics and BI services Data analytics and BI services

Data analytics and BI services

Unlock hidden insights and accelerate your business innovation

We are experts in AI, data analytics and visualisation.

Enabling AI, ML, and data science

Modern business is in the age of digitalization and a smart approach to data. Human intelligence is combined with high-performance algorithms, uncovering green zones for a breakthrough. What does that mean? It means that an insights-driven organization, from a very promising startup, SMB, SME to national enterprise, leverages data more efficiently to find the bottlenecks and eliminate them, find new opportunities in the business, make smarter decisions, and, eventually, outperform the competitors.

Sigma Technology’s data scientists, architects, and AI experts have over 20 years of professional experience in navigating businesses and organizations to try new products, adopt new business models, and introduce innovations in their operations. We help you enable your full business value through Big Data Analytics and Visualization. Our data consultants work with analytics in such areas as user experience and product quality, improving data governance methods and systems. Our offer includes 360° business analysis, data architecture design & development of your systems, data management, and visualization.


Is your organization ready for data-driven decision-making?

Discover how data analytics and business intelligence will transform your business!

Proceed to data excellence

Journey to data-driven decisions

Sigma Technology provides advanced business intelligence services and navigation through all stages of the data journey, enabling AI/ ML and data science to turn insights into valuable outcomes.

Start your journey to data driven decisions. We can help you identify opportunities within your business.
There is a great potential hidden in your data. Let us help identify your relevant data and manage it!
We do more than just standard reports. We will predict the future for you!
Data can be presented in many different ways. We transform your data into a story through visualization that is easy to understand and consume by anyone.
Interpret results!
Your data has spoken. Let us help you interpret the results!

Our solutions

Business & process analysis

Enable your full business value through Data analytics and visualization services. Our BI consultants work with analytics in such areas as user experience, business processes, and product quality to reveal bottlenecks and hindrances to the way of digital disruption, simultaneously improving data governance methods and systems. Our offer includes business analysis, data architecture design & development, and verification. Our senior Business Intelligence Enterprise Architects and Business Analysts can help you to find the areas in your business where you can benefit from a data driven decisioning process and how to incorporate it into your organization. We can offer reviews of your business processes to help you understand where and how it can be turned into a more valuable way of working using data that you already have in your organization.

Data Management services

Become insights-powered at any stage through ongoing management services and an agile approach to your business information. Our data management services enable enhanced performance of process governance and smart decision making, cost optimization, greater data mobility and ease of maintenance, and, ultimately, reduced organizational and business risks. Our architects can help you with structuring your data into solutions where you will get the most value out of it and also on how to implement the changes in the most efficient way from both a business and a technical perspective.

AI / ML, data science enablement

Our professional data engineers and consultants help you with the implementation of data science, predictive analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning technologies to enable smart-resources utilization and uncover hidden data insights. We take care of your data privacy and compliance with all regulations, including industry-specific requirements for data utilization and storage.

BI and data warehousing

It is important for businesses to have a helicopter view of their operations. Our experts will help you to set up a business intelligence solution that will support you in making key data- and research-based decisions and smarter troubleshooting. BI solutions also ensure scalable and highly efficient visioning for your business environment to enable rapid growth.

Data Analytics, BI, Data Visualization

Unlock your data insights and discover new business opportunities with our advanced data analytics services. Our data analysts will help you gain higher ROI, decrease the TCO of your software, and optimize cloud spendings.

Data analytics & BI consulting

Sigma Technology provides advanced data analytics and business intelligence consulting services. Our expert team of senior-level consultants can help you with any request and provide an efficient solution for both troubleshooting and finding growth opportunities.

Business & process analysis

Enable your full business value through Data analytics and visualization services. Our BI consultants work with analytics in such areas as user experience, business processes, and product quality to reveal bottlenecks and hindrances to the way of digital disruption, simultaneously improving data governance methods and systems. Our offer includes business analysis, data architecture design & development, and verification. Our senior Business Intelligence Enterprise Architects and Business Analysts can help you to find the areas in your business where you can benefit from a data driven decisioning process and how to incorporate it into your organization. We can offer reviews of your business processes to help you understand where and how it can be turned into a more valuable way of working using data that you already have in your organization.

Data Management services

Become insights-powered at any stage through ongoing management services and an agile approach to your business information. Our data management services enable enhanced performance of process governance and smart decision making, cost optimization, greater data mobility and ease of maintenance, and, ultimately, reduced organizational and business risks. Our architects can help you with structuring your data into solutions where you will get the most value out of it and also on how to implement the changes in the most efficient way from both a business and a technical perspective.

AI / ML, data science enablement

Our professional data engineers and consultants help you with the implementation of data science, predictive analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning technologies to enable smart-resources utilization and uncover hidden data insights. We take care of your data privacy and compliance with all regulations, including industry-specific requirements for data utilization and storage.

BI and data warehousing

It is important for businesses to have a helicopter view of their operations. Our experts will help you to set up a business intelligence solution that will support you in making key data- and research-based decisions and smarter troubleshooting. BI solutions also ensure scalable and highly efficient visioning for your business environment to enable rapid growth.

Data Analytics, BI, Data Visualization

Unlock your data insights and discover new business opportunities with our advanced data analytics services. Our data analysts will help you gain higher ROI, decrease the TCO of your software, and optimize cloud spendings.

Data analytics & BI consulting

Sigma Technology provides advanced data analytics and business intelligence consulting services. Our expert team of senior-level consultants can help you with any request and provide an efficient solution for both troubleshooting and finding growth opportunities.


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Smarter decisions

Using facts and data insights as base for decisions help the business to react faster to changes and guide to the right responses and improvements.

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Risk management opportunities

Intelligent forecasting will help avoid human-caused mistakes, mitigate the overall ratio of failures harming your business, and adjust production goals.

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Achieved cost efficiency

Smart approach to data analytics help create a solid background for adjusting spendings, finding profit opportunities and decreasing TCO.

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Reach the superiority in building your business processes and their efficient management.

Check out your data readiness for smarter decision-making!

Answer some questions to get professional advice on how your organization can win in data analytics & BI.

Proceed to data excellence

Industries we serve

Tailor-made solutions with strong compliance with industry requirements and specifics are more efficient than adapted frameworks. We create a solid background for organizations to help them leverage their data environment for a better tomorrow. Our analytics & BI experts have long experience from many different industries and from helping our clients to turn their hidden data into tangible value through an industry-specific approach, considering business goals and peculiarities.

FinTech solutions

Supplying the Finance sector with advanced data-driven AI/ML analytics solutions to reveal hidden advantages and mitigate business and customer risks.


We are supporting world-known brands of the automotive industry in finding solutions unlike any other through AI/ML technologies and data science.


Modernization and digitalization of the telecom companies creating scalable Big Data ecosystems with seamless integration with their IT workloads.


Optimization of the logistics chain with the help of smart data analytics and forecasting tools, helping mitigate CO2 and use the resources wiser.

Consumer sector

Embedding AI/ML technologies for commerce businesses to optimize marketing campaigns, service level and find opportunities for spending adjustment and growth in income.


Groundbreaking solutions for the most world recognizable brands through embedding business intelligence and data science across all production cycle stages.

High technology

Providing a full cycle of services for high tech companies to build data lakes and integrate artificial intelligence and machine learning systems to handle a high volume of incoming data.


Microsoft Power BI
technologies change. people are main criteria
Ask for a consultation

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How we deliver

Knowledge is always raw for picking unless you use advanced analytics and BI approaches to your business operations. Our expert team will navigate you through this path towards uncovering hidden treasures and help you at any stage of your data journey. Applying innovative methods, our delivery approach stands on 3 cornerstones: AI/ML-powered technologies, industry-specific know-how, and deep-diving into the client’s business ecosystem. 

Leverage our flexible service delivery model for your specific needs and access our team of Senior Business Intelligence Enterprise Architects and Business Analysts.

icon how do we deliver
  • Capacity & Competence
  • Consultants
  • Cross-functional Teams
  • Team delivery
  • Nearshore/remote delivery/outsourcing












offices in 6 countries


Talk to us

We will be happy to answer your questions and tell more. You can send us your question or find a contact to get more specified consultation
Jonas Tillström
Senior BI, Business Area Manager
Robert Åberg
President at Sigma Technology Insight Solutions