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Transitioning to a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is a problem to solve for any organization. This case study uncovers how Sigma Technology conducted a comprehensive analysis and implemented proactive measures to ensure a smooth ERP system transition.


The Challenge

The client was transitioning to a new ERP system when they encountered a significant hurdle: vital documentation essential for the transition was neglected over time. This neglect, a result of frequent personnel changes and shifts in organizational strategy, led to a need for more clarity and completeness in documentation. As the launch date approached, concerns about the adequacy of the information available for a smooth system transition became more urgent.


Sigma Technology’s involvement

Recognizing the urgency and complexity of the situation, Sigma stepped in to assist the client. 

  • Comprehensive Analysis

The organization was thoroughly examined to identify all departments and personnel involved in the ERP transition, ensuring a complete understanding of the information landscape.

  • Essential Documentation Identification

Based on the analysis, Sigma pinpointed all essential documentation necessary for a successful launch, leaving no room for missing elements.

  • Heat Map Creation

A visual representation, known as a heat map, was developed to prioritize critical documentation across all departments. This provided a clear and actionable guide for everyone involved.

  • Collaborative Approach

Sigma emphasized collaboration, ensuring all departments actively participated in the documentation gathering and prioritization process, guaranteeing no detail was overlooked.

  • Documentation Process Restructuring

Recognizing the potential for future challenges, Sigma guided the restructuring the client’s documentation process, establishing a robust foundation for managing information effectively in upcoming projects.



Sigma Technology’s proactive measures brought the results. Creating the heat map and a comprehensive GAP analysis ensured confidence in the client that they could proceed with the system launch without the fear of missing any vital documentation. The meticulous preparation facilitated a smooth transition to the new ERP system, minimizing disruptions and maximizing efficiency.


Key Takeaways

This case study highlights the importance of:

  • Proactive documentation management: Addressing documentation needs early and comprehensively is crucial for successful system implementations.
  • Collaboration: Working closely with all stakeholders ensures a complete understanding of information requirements.
  • Visual tools: Employing heat maps and other visual aids can effectively prioritize and guide documentation efforts.
  • Long-Term Vision: Implementing robust documentation processes safeguards future projects from similar challenges.

Amelie Olsen

Unit Manager at Sigma Technology Solutions AB and an expert in Digital Product Passports (DPPs). Additionally, she is a committee member within the Swedish Standards Institute, focused on crafting industry standards for DPPs.

Contact: amelie.olsen@sigmatechnology.com