Laszlo Gellen, information architect and lead author, and Aniko Simon, information engineer and technical writer, represented Sigma Technology Hungary at the recent TC World Conference in Stuttgart on 14-16th November. Aniko held a presentation at the conference in which she discussed the results achieved by her research team in the field of technical communication.

The three-day conference offered onsite lectures, workshops, and exhibition presentations in the following areas: content creation, intelligent information, technical authoring and translation, visual communication, UX, and project management. The event also included a tekom fair where companies from all over Europe presented their software products or services related to documentation, translation, visuals, and other areas of technical communication.
There was one topic that admittedly dominated conversations inside and outside the presentation halls: How generative AI and Large Language Models shape our industry, what does the future bring, and what is already here? That is an area where Sigma Technology Hungary is also working actively to discover opportunities, define strategies, and to deliver the best services fit for the new demands.
The conference was also a great occasion to meet some of our clients personally, attend lectures together and discuss current documentation challenges and trends.
We plan to maintain our close collaboration with tekom Magyarország and recommend our technical writers to participate in local tekom lectures and seminars. As a leading consulting company in product information, Sigma Technology is a frequent attendant and speaker at the industry’s prominent events.
Aniko Simon presenting at the conference
Aniko Simon gave a presentation with the title „Research Efforts on Smart Wearable Devices and Their User Manuals”. As the title suggests, her roughly 45-minute presentation covered the research efforts that she carried out and published with her team in the last year on the topic of smart wearables (specifically smart watches and smartbands). Aniko and her team published three papers about the achieved results of their research activities, one of which was recently featured in an international, peer-reviewed, open-access scientific journal.