SAS Institute cooperates with Sigma Technology

Sigma Technology and SAS Institute Become Partners

Sigma Technology Solutions enters cooperation with the leading analytics company SAS Institute.

Cooperation AGCO Sigma Technology web

AGCO chooses Sigma Technology for Global Technical Publications Release Project

Sigma Technology became a consulting partner to AGCO, a global leader in the design, manufacture, and distribution of agricultural solutions, to support them with global publishing services. We talked to Lars Foersom, Global Technical Publications Release Manager at AGCO, about cooperation between our companies.

Chalmers Solar Team Car

Sigma Sponsors Chalmers Solar Team in Bridgestone World Solar Challenge 2019

Sigma Group becomes a gold sponsor of Chalmers Solar Team that competes in the biggest solar-powered car competition of the world, Bridgestone World Solar Challenge, taking place in Australia in October 2019.

Carl Vikingsson CEO of the Year

Carl Vikingsson is a finalist in the CEO of the Year 2019 Recognition

On October 9, the Swedish leadership news portal Motivation.se announced the finalists of Årets VD, the yearly recognition for the CEO of the Year. Carl Vikingsson, Sigma Technology Group CEO, is among five finalists in the category the CEO of the Year Large Companies. The winner will be announced in Stockholm on November 6.

Introduction social media Niclas Trouve

Swedes and Hungarians Work Great Together — Interview with H.E. Niclas Trouvé

Sweden and Hungary share a long history of cooperation. Today, almost 200 Swedish companies operate in Hungary in ICT, telecom, automotive, transportation, health care, energy, and environment sectors. We had the honor of interviewing H.E. Niclas Trouvé, Ambassador of Sweden to Hungary, to talk about the existing and prospective cooperation between these two countries.

Edisonplatform Bridge Budapest

Countrywide initiative by Bridge Budapest to help the development of 20,000 children in Hungary

Edisonplatform is a new think-tank community created by Bridge Budapest. The platform aims to connect value-oriented business actors with child development experts and foster their long-term cooperation. Sigma Technology is proud to be one of the cool companies to support the platform.