
Sigma Acquires Green Light AB

Johan Edlund, CEO at Sigma Technology Information AB. Photo: Sigma Technology. “Our objective is to continue improving the quality, create more efficient processes for our customers, and develop our new staff,” says Johan Edlund, CEO at Sigma Technology Information AB. Johan continues: “We have met the customers and the personnel, and we all have a […]


Helping Youth in South Africa Get Access to Higher Education

Nomfundo Mafuleka is one of the students who got the scholarship. His dream was to pursue education and career in the field of information and communication. This year he started at the University of Zululand, Communication Science department. With this qualification, Nomfundo can become a journalist, a proponent in social change debate, or a professional […]


Next-generation mobile phone developed in Lund

With true Swedish engineering, the world’s foremost expertise, and access to high-tech labs – Sigma Connectivity has worked in tight partnership with SIRIN LABS to develop their first product: SOLARIN. SOLARIN is a truly smart phone for the international business person who carries a lot of sensitive information but doesn’t want to compromise on usability, […]



Jimmy Östman, Global Development Manager: “Sigma are customer focused, flexible, agile and they capture our needs in a very good way. They also possess a genuine competence within the vehicle industry and with a geographic position that support our business.” Mikael Karlsson, CEO at Sigma Technology MID AB: “We are very proud and happy that Kongsberg […]

Sigma Initiates a Close and Strategic Partnership with Ericsson AB around Internet of Things

Sigma Initiates a Close and Strategic Partnership with Ericsson AB around Internet of Things

The new Ericsson Application Platform for IoT is a multi-industry platform that scales within and across data centers, providing the ability to support anything from small to hyper sized sensor networks. It performs analytics on physical and virtual sensor data streams. Ericsson partners with Sigma to offer the Ericsson IoT application platform, a new cloud-native […]


Bättre förbrukningsprognoser i Gävle med Hedge Advisor

Gävle Energisystem som är Gävle Energis och Söderhamn NÄRAs gemensamt ägda elhandelsbolag, har tecknat ett avtal med Sigma om att börja använda prognostjänsten HedgeAdvisor.   Under det senaste året har det varit ett stort fokus på att utveckla Hedge Advisor inom den enhet på Sigma som fokuserar på lösningar för energibranschen, Energy by Sigma. Tjänsten […]