
Sigma Technology Group rankas som Sveriges mest rekommenderade arbetsgivare av Universum

​Varje år rankar Universum svenska arbetsgivare som lyckas bäst med intern identitet, lojalitet och nöjdhet. I år har Universum utsett bolag vars medarbetare är mest benägna att rekommendera sin arbetsplats till sina kontakter och vänner. Sigma Technology Group vann första plats som Sveriges Mest Rekommenderade Arbetsgivare och kammade även hem tredje plats ibland Sveriges Bästa Arbetsgivare.


Sigma och Lynk & Co utvecklar upplevelsen av användardokumentationen

Sigma har hjälpt Lynk & Co skapa en heltäckande upplevelse av användarhandboken, som släpps tillsammans med bilens lansering på den europeiska marknaden. Upplevelsen innehåller en interaktiv användarhandbok, en Android-app och ett smart informationssystem.

Rickard Alfredsson Tanja Cronqvist Rashin Kabodvand Sigma Technology web

Sigma Technology expands within Digitalization and Cloud in Stockholm

Rickard Alfredson, Tanja Cronqvist, and Rashin Kabodvand launch three new companies within Sigma Technology Group to strengthen the Group's position in the IT sector in Stockholm. The new companies will offer first-class services in digitalization, Cloud, software design, and system development.

LynkCo Sigma Technology UserInformation

Sigma and Lynk & Co evolve user information experience

​Sigma team has supported Lynk & Co in providing a total experience for the user guide to be released together with the car's launch on the European market. The experience includes an interactive user car guide, an Android car app, and a smart content management system.

Vilmos Beskid OnRobot Sigma Technology

OnRobot chooses Sigma Technology for flexible and scalable content management

​OnRobot, a leading provider of collaborative applications and automation solutions, was looking for a scalable and flexible solution to gather all their product information in one source. "The documentation system we implemented with Sigma Technology is scalable, highly available, and generates customized guides on the spot," shares Vilmos Beskid, CTO at OnRobot, in an exclusive interview.

Best Employer Sigma Technology Web

Sigma Technology Group is the Most Recommended Employer in Sweden according to Universum

Every year, Universum ranks Swedish employers that succeed best in internal identity, employee loyalty, and employee satisfaction. This year, Universum has nominated companies, whose employees are most likely to recommend their workplace to their contacts and friends. Sigma Technology Group won first place as Sweden's Most Recommended Employer and came third among Sweden's Best Employers.