Sigma Technology Group Best Managed Companies

Sigma Technology is one of Sweden’s Best Managed Companies in 2019

Sigma Technology has received the 2019 Sweden’s Best Managed Companies recognition, sponsored by Deloitte in cooperation with Nasdaq.

IT Kompetenspriset Sigma Technology

Sigma Technology Nominated for Big IT Competence Award

Sigma Technology is one of ten nominees for the Big IT Competence award that distinguishes companies for their contribution to education and competence development.

Female Network Forum Collage small

First Female Network Forum gathers 200 tech women in Gothenburg

“Cooperation and networking are essential for all of us because our networks can grow, we can help more women, and companies can take a stand for equality. Our collaboration completes a life cycle,” the conclusion voiced by several networks during the panel discussion at Female Network Forum in Gothenburg, the first joint platform for female tech networks and initiatives in the Gothenburg region.

Micropower Niklas Malmros Sigma Technology web

Micropower chooses Sigma to Develop Predictive Maintenance Solution

With the increased usage of battery units in vehicles and equipment, their producers and operators face the growing number of customer support requests. Smart technology and information systems can minimize customer support efforts for battery chargers and power supply operations. Micropower Group chooses Sigma Technology for the development of its customer support solution.

Professor Li

Interview with Professor May LI, Tongji University: Industry Drives Technical Communication Development in China

The number of technical communication jobs in Beijing and Shanghai doubled from 2012 to 2015. In Shenzhen, the number tripled, from 1000 to 3000, and in Hangzhou, the birthplace of Alibaba, it changed from 0 to 2000. Yet, there is only a handful of universities in China offering courses in Technical Communication in China.

Gyorgy Nagy Agnes Konda Sigma Technology Bisnode

Sigma Technology Hungary Receives Bisnode Certification

Sigma Technology Hungary once again received Bisnode’s AAA (triple-A) certificate. Certified since 2013, our Hungarian subsidiary has proved its eligibility for Bisnode’s most prestigious certificate by its very robust financial standing.