Students learn more about Sigma Technology

Students learn more about Sigma Technology

On thursday April 16:th Sigma Technology invited students to learn more about the company. The presentation covered topics like the consultant role, the day of an Embedded Design engineer and what you can expect as an Information Management consultant. About 50 students, many of them exchange students, had accepted the invitation to an evening with Sigma Technology. It started together with our sister company Sigma Solutions, where the company, its management and the consultant role were presented.

Sigma Technology in the news – Karlskrona

Sigma Technology in the news – Karlskrona

The local newspaper Commersen wrote about Sigma Technology, Karlsrona last week.


Revisit our seminars

The seminar on Technical Information 2.0 that was held in three cities during the spring of 2010 was very popular. Many customers and partners attended and joined in the discussion. Since we know that some of those who were invited could not make it, and that some of those who did attend may want to relive the seminar, we now offer the entire seminar viewable whenever you have the time! Streaming videos are made available from our homepage.

Sigma signs general agreement with BAE Systems C-ITS

Sigma signs general agreement with BAE Systems C-ITS

Sigma has signed a general agreement with BAE Systems C-ITS AB. The primary purpose of the general agreement is to facilitate cooperation, but shall also ensure resources for development work for BAE Systems C-ITS over the long-term.

Sigma Technology signs outsourcing agreement with Metso

Sigma Technology signs outsourcing agreement with Metso

Sigma Technology has won an agreement for technical documentation with Metso. The agreement is a comprehensive undertaking with Sigma Technology taking responsibility for all of Metso Fiber's customer documentation for a period of three years.

New subsidiary supplies consultants to the Automotive industry

New subsidiary supplies consultants to the Automotive industry

Sigma Technology has decided to strengthen our offer to the Automotive sector by forming a new dedicated subsidiary. The new company urgently needs engineers. Klas Persson, managing director of the new company, tells us all about it.