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Sigma Technology Hungary joined the largest professional association for technical communication, Tekom Europe, in 2022. Recently, Katalin Toth, Daniel Szabo, Gabriella Alexi, unit managers, and Laszlo Gellen, information architect and lead author, took part in the TC World Conference in Stuttgart on 8-10th November.

Daniel Szabo, Katalin Toth, Gabriella Alexi, and Laszlo Gellen at the Tekom conference in Stuttgart

The three-day conference offered onsite lectures, workshops, and exhibition presentations in the following areas: content creation, intelligent information, technical authoring and translation, visual communication, UX, and project management. The event also included a Tekom fair where companies from all over Europe presented their software products or services related to documentation, translation, visuals, and other areas of technical communication.

A great variety of lectures and workshops was presented there, so it was difficult to decide what to attend onsite, but we were happy to learn that lectures can be (re-) visited online later on as well. We plan to have a follow-up summary from some of the hot topics, such as intelligent content, Content-as-a-Service, and visuals, during the next weeks or so in our Product Information units.

The conference was also a great occasion to meet some of our clients personally, visit lectures together and discuss current documentation challenges and trends.

Daniel Szabo and Gabriella Alexi

In the future, we plan to have a tighter collaboration with Tekom Hungary and recommend our technical writers participate in local Tekom lectures and seminars. As a leading consulting company in the area of product information, Sigma Technology is a frequent attendant and speaker at the industry’s prominent events.


Gabriella Alexi

Unit manager, business area manager of the Product Information area in Hungary

Contact: gabriella.alexi@sigmatechnology.com



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